Thursday, March 27, 2008

Blog #10 Google Earth and VIC from Indy

I seem to always be behind the technology-I just got dsl internet a few months ago and last week I finally downloaded Google Earth. I was trying to find a way to put a map on the wiki and somehow I think I found a map that showed the terrain of IUN and thought it was really neat. So after that I downloaded Google Earth and spent the next 2 hours typing in different places and had my whole family doing it also. We of course found my house and tried to figure out when the picture was taken and what car was in the driveway (we have a tree that partial blocked it). I looked at my boyfriend's grandma's house because we going to stay there this week. I tried finding Bono's house in Ireland, by looking for the biggest one of course and saw my friend's house in Oregon. It was really fun.

This week I traveled to Indy to visit IUPUI. I have never been there before and haven't been to Indy since 6th grade. While there I attended my 501 class and got to see the other side of VIC. I'm still not sure what I like better. I felt weird in the classroom and kept wanting to look at the tv even when my professor was talking since I was so used to doing in Gary.

Our wiki is coming along. I spent the day adding some more information. I have added some widgets and really like them. The website ( has some really cool widgets that would like to add but I don't think Steve would want a Tetris or Simpson maker widget on the wiki.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Post #9 Office 2007

Last week at work Office 2007 was installed, before then only the student computers had it on them, the faculty and staff computers were still on 2003 (why who knows, but our excuse of 'well we don't have it on our computers' won't work anymore). Anyway I was worried something would go terribly wrong with the files transferring over. However everything went fairly smoothly, I had a few strange messages come up but nothing that wasn't fixable. I'm the type of person who if it was my computer I would just click buttons to the point where either I figure out what is happening or my computer goes up in smoke, but since it was not my computer I had to call our tech person a few times. The biggest problem, that wasn't even a problem just an annoyance was our Interlibrary Loan access file resorted itself. Instead of being in number order it was arranged alphabetically. However, a grad student came in a fixed it two seconds on monday so all was well.

So last week I spent some time playing around with the new formats of the programs. I have to say I hate word, I don't know if it because I can't find anything but to me the new task bars are annoying. I can't find simple tasks and you can't have multiple taskbars up at the same time. But the thing that is annoying me the most if you have to click like four times to print something, before all I had to click was the printer button in the taskbar but now you have to click the rainbow thing icon, click print, click some other things then finally click ok. I think I'm just impatient. I do love the new powerpoint, you can do so much to pictures, I wish I had a reason to do a presentation.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Blog posting 8-Myspace

Last week I read an article about a mayor for a small town in Oregon who got fired because she had posted racy pictures of herself on myspace. The pictures were taken before she became mayor but many people in the town did not approve. I saw a piece about her on Dateline or 20/20 some weeks past. The town voted last week 142/139 to fire her as mayor.

She is not the first person to have problems with myspace. I have heard time and time again if you want to get a job watch out because potential employers will check to see if you have a blog, myspace, or facebook. If these websites show you drinking and partying you may have trouble finding a job.

If you want to have a myspace that's fine, I have one, now I don't have pictures of me drinking and partying but there is a way to fix it so no one can tell. Myspace lets a person set up their profile as private-if a person is not your friend they can only see one picture and some basic stats. So if a person can control their drinking pictures to only what their friends see they should be all right. You can also set up the profile without giving it their full name. I never give my full name for anything I sign up for.

I'm not telling people to go and do this but if a person feels the need to post all their scandalous pictures then make the profile private. I'm just tired of people being upset because so and so saw their profile and they got in trouble for it.

Back to the mayor, she said she didn't put the pictures up and that she has no clue how to use the site, still she should have known it may not look good after she became mayor to have picture of herself in her bathing suit.

Like I said before I have a myspace-I keep it hidden to only people I want to see it-very simple.