Thursday, April 3, 2008

Blog #11-My boring blog about my non library job

So it's almost to the end of the semester, I'm feeling it, but there is so much more work to be done. I'm just ready for everything to be done in this class and my other class also. I think the weather is also getting to me-I just wish it would stay permanently warm. But in two months you will hear me complaining about it being so hot.

Today at my non-library job the credit cards, debit cards and gift cards were not running through the register, so of course pandemonium ensued. Our manager had to announce our little problem over the intercom to everyone. Now I don't run register so I thought the whole thing was kind of funny (which is bad I know) because everyone was freaking out over the ear pieces we have to wear (which could be a whole other blog itself). It happened before when I first worked there and the manager threatened to bring out the manual credit card machine. I don't know what they are called you like make a copy of the card, but it got fixed before we had to do that. I remember one time I went to Uno's and this happened-they had to shut down the restaurant because they could not figure out how to work this machine. But was fixed in like 10 minutes, something was wrong with ATT.

Even though I don't work the register I have run into other computer system problems there. I stock mostly and what you have to do is take a scanner, scan the item and it will tell you what section and what number the item goes in. Pretty easy to follow. However there are times where the section is about to be changed or the number system is just not working. This leads to very mad stockers who even though they stock the same area every week don't know where things go. I seriously want to know how people stocked before the scanner, because stocking a section of over 3000 pegs of jewelry is impossible without numbers, but maybe I'm just being lazy.


Blogger Mary Alice Ball said...

I forget who was waxing poetic about the days before automation (Amy D. perhaps) but boy were things different before scanners. It was also a time when there were not fifty trillion varieties of shampoo or toothpaste to choose from. Which of the seven varieties of Aquafresh Extreme Clean did you really want? How do they differ in the end and what does it mean to your teeth? Aargh! Take me back to simpler days.

April 21, 2008 at 8:29 PM


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