Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wikispaces and blogger

You know I think my general theme for the blogs is complaining about technology, I try not to really but I always seem to have something to say.

I spent some time today adding some things to the wiki. I wanted to add a table because I had some information that would look nice in one. I used the table function on wikispaces, it was super easy, but then when I saved it and looked at the page the table looked horrible. First you can't get rid of the light grey table lines and for some reason even if there is plenty of space between the columns and the text it all gets squeezed together so all the text is right next to the lines. It was so frustrating.

I then spent some time finding some simple html codes that might work on the page. I found one for a table that I thought might look better than the one on wikispaces. However I could not find how to to html codes in the edit feature. So 30 minutes of me playing with every edit tool I googled html codes and wikispaces. I found out to add html you have to click on the widgets and click other html. You can then add in your code there. It was so simple when I finally found it.

On a side note, I'm so happy blogger has an automatic save function. A few years ago I went to Michigan and spent about an hour typing out a nice trip account. When I went to go post the blog, blogger decided it wanted to die and my blog went poof into thin air. I was so incredibly angry and I think I finally rewrote it but it was not nearly as long. That is why every post I wrote after that (I do still do it on blogger anyway and on oncourse too) I hit ctrl-A, ctrl-C so I could pull it back up if I have to.

If anyone has any tips on adding tables to wikispaces and making them look nice let me know.


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